Stroll Kiyamachi Street

A hidden treasure in the back of
town away from the crowded
main street.

Tucked away in the back of town lies Kiyamachi Street, a quiet pedestrian strolling path.

There is very little traffic, aside from the occasional car or van making their way to local residents or small business tucked back here along the river.

A walk here in the early morning and late afternoon will greet strollers with groups of local elementary school or junior high students as they walk to and from school.

The gorgeous canopy of trees extending the length of the street boasts clouds of cherry blossoms in spring.

Kiyamachi Street Map

Straw Craft Museum

At the beginning of Kiyamachi Street is the Straw Craft Museum.

Here you can learn about this beautiful and intricate craftsmanship that began three centuries ago in Kinosaki.

Mandara Yu

Mandara-Yu is the original hot spring and is where the first official hot spring source was discovered.

This bathhouse is located on the far end of Kiyamachi Street.

Walk Under the Cherry Blossoms

Cherry blossom trees line the walkway along the river, creating a tunnel of soft pink for over 1 km long.


Depending on the year’s climate and weather these cherry blossoms will begin blooming anywhere from late March or early April for just one week.


From dusk lanterns light the trees, allowing visitors to enjoy the blossoms at night for an after-dinner stroll.


Fireflies favor moist air and dark places, so the heavily wooded mountains and the aligning river along Kiyamachi Road creates an ideal environment for seeing them during summer.

Hibuse Kabe

In Kiyamachi Square, there is a striking design of the wall.

This wall is called the “Hibuse Kabe,” meaning fire prevention in Japanese.

The wall was created to symbolize the recovery from the Great Hokutan Earthquake that occurred in 1925 and destroyed much of the town.

Within Kiyamachi Square you will find a variety of shops selling local specialties.

Be sure to check out are the little book corner and rolling ball sculpture featuring local characters and scenes.

Like scavenger hunts? Walk around and see if you can find three small sculptures.

These creatures are modeled after “At Kinosaki,” a story written by famous novelist Shiga Naoya.