Kinosaki Information and Tour Counter – SOZORO

Find tourism information on Kinosaki and other sightseeing
spots in the area, as well as sign up for tours or activities.

SOZORO – Open from 9:30 to 17:45, Kinosaki’s English-speaking information and tour center is located in front of Kinosaki Onsen Station. English speaking staff is on hand to offer information on local bus times and routes. They are also knowlegable on the area. If you are looking for information on sightseeing spots in or near Kinosaki, they can provide you with English pamphlets. You can also sign up for various tours and activities in the area.


A place to rest

There is a rest area to take a seat and wait for your bus or train. Charging outlets are available. If you have time, fill out a short survey and you will get a free cup of coffee. Take a look at the bulletin board where comments from previous visitors are posted about their trip to Kinosaki.


Informational pamphlets with information on Kinosaki and nearby areas can be picked up here. There are pamphlets in Japanese, English, French, Chinese and Korean.

Free Wi-Fi

Visitors are free to connect to the Free Wi-Fi. Just look for a little Wi-Fi sign with the password on the counter by the window.


Michelin sport bicycles are available for rent from 9:30 to 17:00. You can bike to Kehi Beach, Coastal Kinosaki, along the Maruyama River, Genbudo Caves, or around town.

Map of cycling routes
around Kinosaki


At the service counter, you can purchase express bus tickets and special bus passes. There are express buses daily to Osaka and Kobe. Local buses also can take you to many nearby attractions such as Kinosaki Marine World, Downtown Toyooka, and Izushi Castle Town. There are many places in the countryside you can’t access by train. Why not visit some place off the beaten path?


SOZORO occasionally offers tours featuring the surrounding areas. You can apply for these tours at the service counter.